Egypt Benban 165.5MW Solar Park
Aperçu du projet
Type de projet
Desert Solar Park
Lieu du projet
Benban, Aswan, Egypt
Capacité installée
Type de module
ASTRO Module (335W)
Propriétaire du projet
Alcom, ACWA, Sakaka
CO₂ évité
Production d’énergie électrique
355,042MWh average annual
Date de branchement au réseau
The project took about one year from the construction to grid connected power generation, and it was officially integrated to EETC grid on 8th August, 2019
Caractéristiques du projet
Egypt Benban 165.5MW Solar Park, one of the largest solar park in the world, installed 494,030 Astronergy modules (335W) with excellent adaption to desert scenarios. This landmark project helped Egypt increase its use of renewable energy to 20 percent of all domestic energy consumption. Due to the project’s great contribution to solar energy development and economic growth in Egypt, providing employment opportunities for local people (8000 workers on site every day), Benban Solar Park is featured on the local Egyptian pound coin.
As a typical ‘The Belt and Road Initiative’ of China, Benban Solar Park has been taken as a prototype for filming TV series by China’s mainstream TV stations, which has witnessed the close cooperation between China and Egypt in the field of sustainable energy.