Chile PFV Rayador 12MW Solar Park
Aperçu du projet
Type de projet
Centrale au sol
Lieu du projet
Coquimbo, La Serena, Las Compañías, Chile
Capacité installée
Type de module
ASTRO N5 (610W)
Propriétaire du projet
CO₂ évité
1781.41 tons (First Four Months)
Production d’énergie électrique
22,050 MWh average annual
Date de branchement au réseau
10th August 2023
Caractéristiques du projet
Located in La Serena, the Chile PFV Rayador 12MW Solar Park was successfully connected to the grid in August 2023 with the installation of 20,088 ASTRO N5 modules, whose energy will be evacuated to the nearest electrical substation. Due to the project’s great contribution to solar energy development and economic growth, the project seeks to consolidate the development of renewable energies in Chile with initiatives that are in line with sustainable development, job creation, and the productive conversion of territories.